Co-located with SIGIR-AP :2nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific


Aug 25, 2024 Special Workshop Announced Following UM-CIR Workshop Event at National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Aug 15, 2024 :mega: Call for papers officially opened! Please see details here!
Jul 14, 2024 :tada: The first workshop on User Modelling In Conversational Information Retrieval had been accepted and will be co-located with SIGIR-AP, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.

About the Workshop

Conversational Information Retrieval (CIR) has attracted growing research interest in recent years, particularly since the emergence of conversational agents based on generative AI methods. Much of the research activity in CIR within the IR community has generally focused on complex interactive processes between searchers and CIR systems, with little interest in modelling the user within this processes. In this workshop, we aim to collect views and proposals for user modelling with CIR, especially relating to algorithm system design, personalization, and how it might be simulated and evaluated.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for discussion on the user-centric approaches to conversational information retrieval. The main theme of the workshop is user modelling. The workshop will explore different areas relating to user modelling ranging from personalization, conversation modelling, user simulations and evaluation of CIR systems.

The workshop would be a half-day workshop with keynotes focusing on either in-depth analysis or broad-ranging approaches to conversational information retrieval. It will include an invited keynote speaker and presentations of the accepted papers. We will create break-out discussion groups based on the main research topics/themes that emerge from among the contributions. Following this we will have a discussion panel discussing the presented contributions from an integrated perspective.

Following the UM-CIR Workshop at SIGIR-AP 2024, a special workshop will be held the next day at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo, Japan. This event will continue to explore the core themes of UM-CIR, while also extending the discussion to emerging trends in conversational information retrieval. It offers participants another chance to delve into cutting-edge research and engage in in-depth discussions. For further details, visit ET-CIR Workshop. The results of the workshops will be published in the SIGIR Forum.

Key dates

  • Submission website open: September 01, 2024
  • Submission deadline: October 3, 2024
  • Acceptance notification: October 18, 2024
  • Workshop Date: December 12, 2024

Note: All submission deadlines are 11:59 PM AoE Time Zone (Anywhere on Earth).